Not enough time with your kids this Christmas?

Many divorced or separated parents soon regret not addressing parenting time before the holidays. Often is the case that one parent or the other misses out on valuable holiday time with their children. This all too often happening is because many parents struggle to justify the cost and expense of custody litigation before the holiday […]

Why divorce laws matter when you don’t want one.

I’ve had many discussions with people about divorce laws and how they work.  Many are surprised, if not shocked, that divorce laws are actually more designed for spouses that are not considering a divorce.  Wait, what?  That’s right.  Divorce laws were designed not so much for battling couples, but more so, to provide security to […]

Thought your divorce lawyer keeps your secrets? Think again.

Of all things, spouses feel some sense in comfort that the secrets disclosed to their divorce attorney must be kept secret.  In the legal world, we call this privilege.  And while this is the general rule -no matter how scandalous the information, the rule is not absolute.  There are exceptions.   For example, at attorney […]

When divorce is a passing thought

Of all the spouses that meet with me, talking with a divorce lawyer is the last thing they do when wanting to leave a spouse.  There’s all kinds of activity in their lives that precedes our meeting.  They talk to friends, start dating another, separate finances from their spouse, and even sell a home.  The […]

Flat fees and how they help in a divorce

Many spouses haven’t a clue as to what is a “flat fee.”  Having this information is very important.  If your plane is going down over the ocean, knowing everything about a flat fee will save you.  Well, not really.  But I think you know what I mean.  A flat fee is the cost of legal […]

Why divorce law is important you – the happily married spouse.

Most people talk of the 6 degrees of separation between themselves and Kevin Bacon, though unknowingly they are also one person away from someone needing family law help.  This topic of law is seemingly the topic that no one talks about.  Worse yet, the person that needs the legal help usually never finds help because […]

Holiday visitation for divorced parents

Happy Veteran’s Day!  Sure, it was yesterday – but most of the country observes this special day on the Monday following.  There are few others that are treated this way.  Veteran’s Day, for me, also signals the start of the Christmas holiday season – though lets not forget Thanksgiving.  Many divorced spouses have a schedule […]

Are swords plastic and shields foam in a divorce

A few people reached out to me from yesterday’s blog about my aggressive lawyer comment.   I’m thinking that it’s this issue that evokes fear in most when entering a divorce.  My personal experience is that when a divorce case starts, both spouses seem to sprint to the first divorce lawyer they can find, and […]

When is having a lawyer essential to my divorce?

For many spouses, the necessity of a lawyer is usually when the case is nearing a trial (and for the trial, itself).  However, the necessity of a lawyer usually exists because the spouse has not adequately prepared for trial, or conducted themselves properly in the middle of the case – which does affect how the […]

Moving on – Starting the case without a lawyer.

The idea of getting a divorce and moving on can lead to its fair share of anxiety.  The mixed bag of excitement and fear are common reactions when deciding to get a divorce.  Many spouses are hesitant, and by the time they make the first move in that direction, they have tortured themselves for months, […]