Alimony, now you see it and now you don’t.

Oswald case just dropped from the appellate court. Here is the case, if you want to read it yourself: IRMO Oswald. This was a Will County case where the husband was successful at reducing his alimony obligation from $2,500 per month down to zero. Nada. None. How does this happen? I typically advise my clients […]

How Do I Get My Spouse Out?

Often clients will ask me how just how do they go about getting their spouse out of the marital home. The answer to this question is not always very easy. Lawyers typically go through a very detailed analysis of the facts of the case in the effort to determine the best approach to this issue. […]

Not enough time with your kids this Christmas?

Many divorced or separated parents soon regret not addressing parenting time before the holidays. Often is the case that one parent or the other misses out on valuable holiday time with their children. This all too often happening is because many parents struggle to justify the cost and expense of custody litigation before the holiday […]

With the new tax bill – anticipate that men will sprint to the courthouse

It’s going to be interesting times in 2018 in divorce-land. The new tax law makes significant changes with the ability to deduct alimony payments. Alimony is also called spousal support or maintenance, and on the horizon, you will not be able to deduct those support payments from your income at tax time. Prior to President […]

The Difficult Spouse? I can kick them out?

Lawyers secret: Court’s are becoming less tolerant of removing a spouse from his or her home. There are two legal devices to remove your spouse from the marital home. The first of these options is bringing a motion for exclusive possession. The motion is the least aggressive legal maneuver a spouse can take, when attempting […]

Why divorce laws matter when you don’t want one.

I’ve had many discussions with people about divorce laws and how they work.  Many are surprised, if not shocked, that divorce laws are actually more designed for spouses that are not considering a divorce.  Wait, what?  That’s right.  Divorce laws were designed not so much for battling couples, but more so, to provide security to […]

Using email service can save thousands in a divorce.

Well, things just got a bit easier in Illinois.  Effective January 1, 2013, Illinois Supreme Court Rule 11 now provides for email service of documents, where previously most lawyers (and spouses representing themselves) were stuck with snail-mail, faxes, or personal delivery.  What does this mean? It will save spouses a ton of money in administration […]

Thought your divorce lawyer keeps your secrets? Think again.

Of all things, spouses feel some sense in comfort that the secrets disclosed to their divorce attorney must be kept secret.  In the legal world, we call this privilege.  And while this is the general rule -no matter how scandalous the information, the rule is not absolute.  There are exceptions.   For example, at attorney […]

When divorce is a passing thought

Of all the spouses that meet with me, talking with a divorce lawyer is the last thing they do when wanting to leave a spouse.  There’s all kinds of activity in their lives that precedes our meeting.  They talk to friends, start dating another, separate finances from their spouse, and even sell a home.  The […]

Flat fees and how they help in a divorce

Many spouses haven’t a clue as to what is a “flat fee.”  Having this information is very important.  If your plane is going down over the ocean, knowing everything about a flat fee will save you.  Well, not really.  But I think you know what I mean.  A flat fee is the cost of legal […]