How To Value Your House in a Volatile Market

A few lawyers have recently called asking me how to best value a home in a strong real estate market with scarcity of inventory driving prices upward on a near daily basis. And, I don’t see this trend slowing down any time soon because even higher interests rates didn’t seem to change things much. Fortunately, […]

Personality Disorders in Divorce-land.

Often spouses don’t know that they are married to someone with a personality disorder. They know the marriage is problematic, the household is generally dysfunctional, and the disordered spouse always seems to escape responsibility at every turn. Sometimes the disorder can be on the narcissistic scale, or more dangerous, are spouses with borderline personality disorders […]

Alimony, now you see it and now you don’t.

Oswald case just dropped from the appellate court. Here is the case, if you want to read it yourself: IRMO Oswald. This was a Will County case where the husband was successful at reducing his alimony obligation from $2,500 per month down to zero. Nada. None. How does this happen? I typically advise my clients […]

Surprise Divorce Decree

All too often, spouses are surprised by a Divorce Decree that doesn’t have the prearranged terms that they negotiated with their spouse. More often than not, this happens when people try to represent themselves, which is never a good idea. One spouse files the case, and the other spouse is just along for the ride […]