Does your Baby-Daddy have to pay for your lawyer? Yes and maybe.

It’s widely accepted that spouses in a divorce can ask for the other to help pay for their lawyer. There’s all sort of reasons why that should or shouldn’t happen. But more recent litigation has finally put to bed the issue if unmarried parents could get the other parent to help in the payment of […]

Alimony, now you see it and now you don’t.

Oswald case just dropped from the appellate court. Here is the case, if you want to read it yourself: IRMO Oswald. This was a Will County case where the husband was successful at reducing his alimony obligation from $2,500 per month down to zero. Nada. None. How does this happen? I typically advise my clients […]

No. 1 Wrong Move in a Divorce

Having now been in Arizona for over 5 years, I’m finding Arizona’s approach to divorce is significantly different than in Illinois.  One of the key differences also appears to be the worst possible thing you can do in a divorce.  What is that, you ask? In Arizona, spouses are often lured into the false believe […]

Why are lawyer’s fees so high?

Many spouses seek my help only after incurring tens of thousands of dollars of attorneys’ fees. Many are amazed at the level of fees that they had occurred in such a small amount of time. Does it have to be this way? The down and dirty answer is: No. But it may help spouses to […]

Retainers – the endangered species

Retainers.  It’s an ugly word, but many attorneys continue to demand a large up-front payment for service to be rendered in the future.  Retainers range between $1,500  to $10,000 in the Chicago-land area.  The average is about $2,000.00.  And unless you’ve got that in your checking account or room on your credit-card, you probably are […]

Thought your divorce lawyer keeps your secrets? Think again.

Of all things, spouses feel some sense in comfort that the secrets disclosed to their divorce attorney must be kept secret.  In the legal world, we call this privilege.  And while this is the general rule -no matter how scandalous the information, the rule is not absolute.  There are exceptions.   For example, at attorney […]