Why are lawyer’s fees so high?

Many spouses seek my help only after incurring tens of thousands of dollars of attorneys’ fees. Many are amazed at the level of fees that they had occurred in such a small amount of time. Does it have to be this way? The down and dirty answer is: No. But it may help spouses to […]

When is having a lawyer essential to my divorce?

For many spouses, the necessity of a lawyer is usually when the case is nearing a trial (and for the trial, itself).  However, the necessity of a lawyer usually exists because the spouse has not adequately prepared for trial, or conducted themselves properly in the middle of the case – which does affect how the […]

Should I be concerned that I have a trial date?

Yes and No. If you don’t have a lawyer, and would like to hire one for your trial, you should have some concern. The concern isn’t related to the fact that there will be a trial, its more so attached to the likelihood that any lawyer will want a GIANT retainer, knowing that a trial […]