Personality Disorders in Divorce-land.

Often spouses don’t know that they are married to someone with a personality disorder. They know the marriage is problematic, the household is generally dysfunctional, and the disordered spouse always seems to escape responsibility at every turn. Sometimes the disorder can be on the narcissistic scale, or more dangerous, are spouses with borderline personality disorders […]

Does your Baby-Daddy have to pay for your lawyer? Yes and maybe.

It’s widely accepted that spouses in a divorce can ask for the other to help pay for their lawyer. There’s all sort of reasons why that should or shouldn’t happen. But more recent litigation has finally put to bed the issue if unmarried parents could get the other parent to help in the payment of […]

Alimony, now you see it and now you don’t.

Oswald case just dropped from the appellate court. Here is the case, if you want to read it yourself: IRMO Oswald. This was a Will County case where the husband was successful at reducing his alimony obligation from $2,500 per month down to zero. Nada. None. How does this happen? I typically advise my clients […]