Not enough time with your kids this Christmas?

Many divorced or separated parents soon regret not addressing parenting time before the holidays. Often is the case that one parent or the other misses out on valuable holiday time with their children. This all too often happening is because many parents struggle to justify the cost and expense of custody litigation before the holiday […]

With the new tax bill – anticipate that men will sprint to the courthouse

It’s going to be interesting times in 2018 in divorce-land. The new tax law makes significant changes with the ability to deduct alimony payments. Alimony is also called spousal support or maintenance, and on the horizon, you will not be able to deduct those support payments from your income at tax time. Prior to President […]

Why are lawyer’s fees so high?

Many spouses seek my help only after incurring tens of thousands of dollars of attorneys’ fees. Many are amazed at the level of fees that they had occurred in such a small amount of time. Does it have to be this way? The down and dirty answer is: No. But it may help spouses to […]