What is a Status hearing?

Status hearings, sometimes called status conferences, are opportunities to provide the Judge with information about the on goings of the case. Normally, there is much more contact between spouses and their attorneys than between the attorneys and the Judge. So, the status conferences allow the Judge to know the current on goings of the case, […]

Can I record my spouse’s phone calls?

The lean and fast answer is no, you cannot record your spouse’s phone calls or other conversations. There are State and Federal laws that make the recording a criminal act without having the other person’s permission to record the conversations. While many spouses think that its a great idea to record their spouse (for purposes […]

Kicking your spouse out of the house

There are generally two legal devices to get your spouse out. First, and the most aggressive way is with an Order of Protection (OP). More about obtaining an OP tomorrow. Today I will touch on the second way, which is a motion for exclusive possession of the home. The general rule is that you can […]

Don’t delay an Increase in Child Support

Most dads attempt to delay the court process when increasing their child support obligations. Do so with caution. Many fathers don’t realize that the increase of child support will be done retro-actively to the date when the mother filed a motion for the increase. When the child support is actually set (all the delay mechanisms […]

Judges and laws avoid the necessity of a lawyer

Just yesterday, I was in court listening in to a hearing being conducted about child support and visitation issues.  Mom was represented by a lawyer, who I know very well.  Dad did not have an attorney.  His arguments were clean and neat; he didn’t show too much anger or resentment in his presentation (which was […]

How to achieve the cheap divorce

So many spouses complain about the heavy financial burden of attorneys’ fees in a divorce.  There is an obvious way around the blood bath divorce that costs tens of thousands of dollars:  represent yourself.  The problem with being your own lawyer, is that most people have developed an unrealistic fear about representing themselves.  The system […]

Welcome to Gorilla Divorce!

Welcome to my Gorilla Divorce blog. This blog was established to provide spouses with the secrets that are commonly known by divorce lawyers and divorce professionals, but largely unknown by the general public. These shrouded secrets are essentially what causes fear and anxiety in the divorce process, and the result is damaging to many spouses […]